Machine | Type | FILLING MACHINES | In-Line Fillers | DigiFil Dockable Piston Filling Machine

DigiFil Dockable Piston Filling Machine

Continuous-motion, servo-driven filling system for extremely precise container handling. Filling accuracies (piston pumps) +/-0.5%. Optional docking system allows the pumps to be disconnected and taken off line for cleaning in a a matter of minutes.


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The Filamatic Digifil, or DFS, Dockable Piston Filling System accommodates a wide variety of applications as well as container shapes and sizes.  The DFS liquid filler can handle products of high (creams, lotions, mascara), moderate (detergent, syrups, shampoo), and low (alcohol, water-thin liquids) viscosities.  Best suited for small to moderate fills (less the one Liter) with fill accuracies of 0.5%, there are multiple Filamatic Piston Pump model and sizes offered.

Three frame sizes are available to handle up to 12 Piston Pumps for fill rates of 10 to 250 containers per minute.  The Dockable Trolley System is a removable trolley containing the metering systems that allows you to changeover in less than five minutes.  Completely autoclavable trolley and fluid pathway are also available upon request.

The Digifill platform can be fitted with piston, gear, lobe or peristaltic pumps as well as flow meters depending on the application.

  • Gear, lobe, piston pumps
  • Flow meters
  • C1D1 operation
  • Dockable trolley system
  • Integrated stoppering
  • Two-place container handling system

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